Welcome to my world!!!!

Welcome to my world!!!!
This is the life that I'd like to have........carefree & relaxing!

This is ME!

I'm more of a listening person. If i don't converse much with people or friends, doesn't mean I'm arrogant. Sometimes just don't know what to say.....or sometimes I take more time to process info! Like my bubs calls me, "Fish brain". Duh....SLOW! Hehehehehe..;) It's hard to read my mind coz I don't open up much regarding my feelings....only ppl who know me very well knows. Overall, I'm care free on the outside....but always thinking and worrying on the inside. I'm so lucky to have Michael in my life! He makes my days more enjoyable and purposeful. You'll be seeing more of him in my blog posts.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Visitors from Sydney

YAY!!!! Aminah (best friend from Sydney), Noah and Jad came to visit. I've not seen them for a long time. Jad has grown up so much...... I've known him since he was a baby. I remember singing nursery rhyme songs to Jad when he was still in Aminah's tummy and singing to him when he was in his cot. Noah is a new member of the family...... he's so CUTE and a big boy too!!!! Guess how old he is???? 10 months old.

Happy and memorable times we spent together!!!!

Poor Noah was woken up from his afternoon nap by Jad. That's why he looked soooooo grumpy with wrinkles all over his face.... hehehehehehe..... ;) Jad was being a nice brother though...... after he said, "Sorry!" and tried to make Noah feel better by showering him with toys and kisses.

Jad was showing me his game that he was playing in his room. He was getting a little mischievous so I drew him a Freddo Frog picture for him to colour in. Look how proud and happy he is with his colouring in!!!! Hehehehehehe..... ;)

1 comment:

blurr said...

hi FLorence...they are adorable~!!! you draw so welll...like your freddo...i love freddo chocs...he eh eh eh
take care ;)