Welcome to my world!!!!

Welcome to my world!!!!
This is the life that I'd like to have........carefree & relaxing!

This is ME!

I'm more of a listening person. If i don't converse much with people or friends, doesn't mean I'm arrogant. Sometimes just don't know what to say.....or sometimes I take more time to process info! Like my bubs calls me, "Fish brain". Duh....SLOW! Hehehehehe..;) It's hard to read my mind coz I don't open up much regarding my feelings....only ppl who know me very well knows. Overall, I'm care free on the outside....but always thinking and worrying on the inside. I'm so lucky to have Michael in my life! He makes my days more enjoyable and purposeful. You'll be seeing more of him in my blog posts.

Monday, 30 July 2007

Another try at perming my hair.

I am totally sick of my straight hair..... I WANT A CHANGE!!!! So I decided to have another try at perming my hair. The first time I permed my hair was a disaster. This time it's so much better. The curls turned out better. I hope after a week the curls will loosen a bit more and become more of a "natural" curl look. I know for a fact that my mum hates my permed hair.
I still have to get used to the curls and experiment different ways that I can do up or style my curly hair. These pics were taken when i just came out of the salon. I asked them to pin up my fringe coz it was annoying my eyes. I think I look alright.... still need to get used to the curly look. You think straight OR curly hair suit me better???? Let me know your opinions people..... leave comments ok. Thanx!


misslimleen said...

hey babe

u look great in both hair style.

Nice curls... i think it look even natural when it loosen.

Keep ur pics posted. I wanna see more of you !!

Miz ya u noe...

& i remembered the last permed hair disaster of urs... hehehee

FLOJO said...

Thanx babe! I'm getting to like my permed hair more. I definitely remember the disasterous perm I had in S'pore a few years ago. This time it's different...the hairdresser I went to is really good! I'm happy with the result of my permed hair. I'll try take more pics to show u. This weekend I'm going for MC Motorsport....so will take pics then ok. Miss u heaps too! I miss having u ard and someone whom I can confide in and talk to and have fun together!!!!

blurr said...

Hi Flo :-)

Cool Curls~!! It fits you so well..HOw have you been?? I've not heard from you for ages..Take good care ya,


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl

I think it looks great... Yeah, u juz gotta wait for the curls to loosen a bit... can't really judge from the 1st week... Update more pics after the curls have loosen.. :)